All posts by Liberty Hunter

A Declaration of Globalism

An imaginative piece declaring the view of the globalists who control our government from behind the scenes.

When in the course of world events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the isolationist, bigoted tendencies which have alienated them from others and to assume among the powers of the earth the global opportunities to which the United Nations entitles them, a decent respect to the opinion of our citizens requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to this global integration and cooperation.

We hold these facts to be scientifically proven, that all persons are evolved equally—that they are endowed by genetics with certain society-accepted rights, that among these are healthcare, education, and Social Security.

That to ensure these rights, government was instituted among people, deriving the power to rule by the majority of those governed, — That whenever any form of government begins denying these basic human rights, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation under the organization of the United Nations as the only hope for global peace, as this seems most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that the world’s citizens are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute fascism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of this country under the present administration; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.

The history of the current President of the United States is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over American citizens (and non-citizens). To prove this, let facts be submitted to a dangerously-warming, scorching planet:

He has rescinded federal regulations, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and our planet.

He has affected reduced taxes on ultra-wealthy corporations who oppress the working class.

He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for this purpose obstructing the naturalization of undocumented workers and refugees and refusing to encourage their migrations hither.

He has disturbed the people by tweeting disturbing, insane messages at preposterous times of the day.

He has withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and would no doubt take us back to the Dark Ages if we were not at this moment fomenting a revolution.

He has totally disregarded the future health of our planet and shown utter contempt for efforts to reduce use of fossil fuels and invest in clean energy.

He has incited violence against the nation’s venerable media organs, of which he sickeningly refers to as “fake news.”

He has threatened the generally-recognized right of healthcare by pushing for repeal of Obamacare.

He has obstructed justice in attempting to conceal his treasonous collusion with Russia.

He has removed from office truthful, capable men more honorable than he [who now work for truthful, honorable places like CNN, NBC, and MSNBC].

He has affected to render our military stronger than and superior to the benevolent leaders of other countries, posturing as an authoritarian strongman and inhibiting our heretofore comfortable relations with said countries [who have declared their enmity for the US].

He has threatened to cut off our trade with the world, imposed tariffs on our close friends such as [communist!] China, and in all cases has distinguished himself as an enemy of peace and goodwill with a heart of stone.

He has fundamentally altered the form of our government, making it a shamefully fascist, racist, sexist, Nazi, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic institution.

He has ravaged our economy, shrunk our national parks, separated children from families, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He has, through his intolerable agenda, incited domestic insurrections amongst us.

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.

A president, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the head of a modern nation.

Nor have we been wanting in petitions to our Deplorable brethren who actually elected him president. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by the president to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.

We have reminded them of the circumstances of our immigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their sorely-lacking sense of justice and equality, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and of tolerance, and impeachment of the executive has been unthinkable to them.

We, therefore, appealing to the United Nations for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name of abolishing hate and instituting world peace, solemnly publish and declare, that the United States is, and of right ought to be, subject to and under the protection of the United Nations— That she is absolved from all allegiance to the said fascist president, and that all previous political structure built under the outmoded Constitution, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a newly freed people, they have full power to conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, re-enter TPP negotiations, and to do all other acts and things which the United Nations may permit. — And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on ourselves and progressives worldwide, we mutually pledge to each other to bring in the total and complete reign of the Establishment by any means necessary.

Do They Know How Much They Have?

Imagine a foreigner, an ordinary young lady from Any-Third-World-Country, winning a trip to America. Listen to her tell of her trip.

~ ~ ~ ~

The most shocking thing I found in America was the Americans themselves. Yes, their technology amazed me, but although my family has none of it, I had heard about things such as running water, electric lights, air conditioners, and hot showers, because our government has them. Many in our government even have automobiles, but no one I know has one. Even the Internet is available in my village—sometimes—but most of us can’t afford to waste money on such frivolities. It is quite enough to think about life’s necessities.

I saw many amazing things—huge cities, paved roads, strange food, and stranger clothes—but it was the Americans themselves who fascinated me most. There are a number of traits about them which at first perplexed and amused me (although some I found quite disturbing). They are generally friendly and amiable, despite what I sometimes saw as wastefulness. Americans must be very happy people. Do they know how much they have?

They are in the habit of changing their clothes daily, for example, and have enormous wardrobes with great selections of clothing for every occasion imaginable. Most folks in my village have one set of clothes, and generally they’re not the first owner.

Many Americans have cell phones, at which they stare as they stand or walk around. They must be very fascinating devices, because they are always looking at them. Sometimes you see a whole group of young people walking down the street, each on their phone. I wonder if they ever look up and see the stars, or watch the birds, or pay attention to each other. Even the very young have them. I wonder how much food a cell phone is worth.

Not only do Americans have clean water that flows directly into every home, they also have the convenience of easily adjusting the temperature to the desired heat. Even their public lodging places have such luxuries in every room. I had the pleasure of more than one hot shower, with plenty of soap, too. Because of the scarcity of soap at home, and because it was abundantly provided to guests, I saved up a large quantity to take home. My mother was overjoyed and declared my trip had certainly been worth it counting this loot alone. She immediately organized a washing operation to ensure everyone in the family made use of it—before hordes of extended family, neighbors, and especially Raakel’s old Babatunde began lining up outside our hut begging for portions to take home. Every bit of it was gone before the troops came.

I found the theaters particularly interesting. At home, every film entering our country must be approved by the premier. I asked the man behind the counter who approves movies in America. He stared. I thought it must be my thick accent, but after I asked two more times, he explained that the owner of the theater decided which films to show, and no government official had anything to do with it.

I overheard some American girls discussing their biggest daily dilemma. One said hers was figuring out which pair of shoes to wear, and the other laughed that hers was trying to manage her stick shift. I thought the first one was being a little ridiculous. I later learned what a stick shift is.

The biggest daily dilemma of most everyone I know is how to get a meal today, and it’s no joke. As for shoes, we dare not entertain the hope of ever actually owning any.

I had always heard that in America the people eat every day. I could scarcely believe it until I actually saw it myself. In fact, they eat three times a day or more. And most of them aren’t even farmers! I haven’t figured that out yet.

I was shocked by the things I heard in the public eating places. Some Americans treat food like an afterthought, an interruption, or a mindless ritual. Others take eating very seriously and treat it like their occupation. I heard one man complaining that his sandwich had onion, I saw a young couple get up and walk out because their food was too long in coming, I heard youngsters whining for dessert, and multiple times I saw plates being taken away with piles of food still on them.

I don’t know how many times I saw parents attempting to get food—usually vegetables—into children’s sealed mouths. My little brothers and sisters would have gulped down all of it and been mightily pleased with good, fresh food. When I described this phenomenon to my family, they stared dumbstruck until ten year old Akua asked with big eyes, “Why do they have so much?”

I have no answer. I wonder the same thing myself. One thing I had noticed in America was the lack of troops raiding homes. Is that why they have so much? Does their government not take away what they have? I dare not discuss these things at home, lest they spread to the wrong ears and the troops come, but I do wonder about the difference between our two countries.

Americans’ main method of transportation is the automobile, and most Americans possess two or three or even more. Many of them have large, sheltered spaces to store them when not in use, with doors that slide open as the driver approaches. My father wouldn’t even believe me when I told him about those marvelous doors. He said he’s ridden in an automobile once in his life, and that if he had one, he’d take Momma to Luchenza and see if they could find any spare lumber to come back and fix up our hut.

“Let me get a decent door on the hut, and then I’ll see about putting up a garage. Who needs fancy doors for cars?” he asked, but I couldn’t answer that one either. How do Americans have money to spend on luxuries? We do not want their wealth, we only want to know what their secret is.

Many Americans are very proud of their cars and almost lose their mind if there is slight damage. I saw numerous car owners who treated their cars better than their own children.

Everywhere I went, I noticed the lack of troops, huts, protruding ribs, dirt, and sickness. Even some of the nasty parts of New York were more sanitary than my village.

I saw a group of college students protesting racism and oppression. I didn’t understand this either. Most of them shared my own dark skin color, but unlike me, they are enjoying higher education and they have cars, comfortable places to live, jewelry, make-up, and clearly more food than they need—and they think they are oppressed. Do they know how much they have? There is only one person in my village with a degree.

Most of my friends would be jumping and shouting for joy in their position, but these students think they are hated and oppressed by the majority. They didn’t look very oppressed to me. If they want to see oppression, they should look around the world.

I met some incredible Americans during my trip. The one who made the biggest difference in my life was Willie, the friendly old groundskeeper at the small New York hotel in which I stayed for almost a week. He helped me understand so much.

He is the best patriot I’ve met, in my country or his. When he learned I was a visitor, he told me he’d answer as many of my questions as he could. I asked why Americans have so much, and he said it’s because they have a small government and the people are mostly good folks who like to live and let live.

“Is it really that simple?” I asked. “Isn’t there some secret to America’s wealth and peace? You have so much. What’s your secret?”

He grinned and whispered, “The secret, Kaarina, is liberty.” I didn’t know what he meant. “Freedom,” he said reverently, like he was telling a sacred secret. “The freedom to keep what one earns.”

When he said that, I remembered all the raids—the dreaded, recurring raids—in which troops swarm into our huts, looking for the wealth of the “greedy,” in order to take it and redistribute it. At least that’s what we’re told. What little they find worth taking from our village we never see again. Perhaps other villages are poorer than us and the troops give them our things. But that’s not what Papa thinks.

My father had just obtained a new shirt to replace his old one, which was falling apart, before one raid. My mother broke down when we heard the troops were coming, because she just knew they would take his new shirt, and he had no other, nor the means to get another in its place.

Papa told her the troops wouldn’t see anything of value in it, but Momma was right. Papa and Gaetano and took turns wearing Gaetano’s shirt after that, until Papa was able to get another.

Is that the kind of thing that doesn’t happen in America? Is that why there’s so much food and wealth?

One thing still perplexes me.

Willie told me that America has been letting its government grow too big, and that it actually is taking the people’s wealth more and more. He said if things don’t change, eventually America will look like my country, where troops raid the huts of the “greedy,” and the people are sick and starving. Do Americans know the secret to their success? Do they care enough to prevent their country from becoming like mine by keeping their government small? Do they even know what they stand to lose? Do they know how desperate times get when it’s too late to keep government small?

To the Americans I learned to love in my far too short visit, I have some questions.

How can ordinary Americans afford large houses, fancy automobiles, and higher education? We only dream of such things—when we’re not scrambling for food. Why is there such a difference between our countries?

Why are Americans allowed to have firearms and speak out against the actions of their government? No one in my village dares think of such things. The troops would come and we would be arrested. Guns belong to the government and they wouldn’t dream of letting us have them.

Why don’t troops go into homes in America and take things for the government to distribute more equally? It must be nice keeping what you have.

Do Americans know that they are in danger of resembling my village if they continue to allow their government to grow?

And the most important question to me is, why does America give money to my government so that they have weapons to keep people like my family very poor and hungry? My people are not fed by these gifts—our oppressors are strengthened.

The Endangered Species You Haven’t Heard About

Please note: This list is not authorized by the United States Government, and consequently is nearer to the truth than the official Federal Endangered Species List. Read at your own risk.

Patriots – The American Patriot (not to be confused with the NE Patriots) is one of the finest specimens of its kind, characterized by extreme dedication, love of country, passion for freedom, and zeal for “God, guns, and America.” Though many patriots still inhabit America, their numbers have decreased and their habitat is in danger of elimination. Because of universities and general disinformation, the nemesis of this noble species has been gaining momentum in recent decades, proclaiming hate for America, shouting in the streets, clamoring for reform, and waving signs demanding Tolerance. Increasingly brazen, they have even been known to violently attack Patriots.

Real Men – Qualities of real men—such as leadership, courage, and chivalry—have been under fierce attack and are on the verge extinction. If you haven’t already noticed, watch a John Wayne movie and then take a walk around your local mall and see the “men” slinking about in there. The noble species is being increasingly replaced by whining, wimpy snowflakes with bangs and “skin-tight pants flying at half-mast.”

True Ladies – These are sometimes more difficult to identify due to a different species which disguises itself like True Ladies. When identifying real women, especially look for sweet, gentle dispositions and a willingness to follow Real Men. Their natural habitat is their home, where they devote themselves to their husbands and nurture their young ones and foster happiness. The aforementioned invasive species are seriously endangering True Ladies through rapid replacement. Although cleverly disguised, one can identify these impersonators by observing a consistently domineering, authoritative, and competitive nature.

Christians – Some of the most tolerant people on the planet, Christians are threatened with extinction by God-haters (of the genus fools, see Psalm 14:1)—all in the name of Tolerance. Followers of Christ are under attack worldwide, facing persecution, opposition, regulation, and even death. Even in America, which was once a Christian nation, Christians face increasing opposition from media, public education, Darwinism, and relativism. True Christians who stand up for the Truth are becoming increasingly rare.

American Voters – Once numerous throughout the country, these responsible, informed citizens are all-important to the ecosystem of American liberty, once having enabled our nation’s greatness. Nowadays, however, items such as food, football, and foolishness crowd out room for civic responsibility. American voters are not a helpful species by themselves, but when responsibly informed, they are the health of the nation.

Principled Statesmen – Some time ago, this noble species began to be overwhelmed by the historically infamous family known as politicians. This tragic transition has thrown off the balance of our ecosystem of limited government. The aforementioned American Voters are the only ones who can bring this endangered species back to pre-crisis population levels. Principled Statesmen are characterized by everything the invasive species of politicians is not: an uncompromising adherence to the principles of Truth, determination to do what is right, and a refusal to be cowed by the Party or intimidated into compliance.

The Constitution – Truly one of a kind, this rare jewel is under attack from many directions. Because it is largely ignored by those it affects most directly, it is at high risk of extinction. In addition to being ignored by many as if it never even existed, it is attacked as “old-fashioned,” “out-dated,” and “written by a bunch of racist white guys.” In reality, however, this species was bred by the notable (and noble) Founding Fathers, and has since allowed for previously unknown levels of wealth, prosperity, and security. There are actually many calling for an all out elimination of the document, claiming it’s time for a new Constitution. If America wants to return to her former system of limited government and freedom for the individual, she must save the Constitution from extinction and begin enforcing it again.

The Declaration of Independence – A close cousin of the vanishing Constitution, the ideals of the Declaration of Independence are also under attack. Globalists have attempted to replace it with a noxious species they call the Declaration of Interdependence. This must not be allowed to happen, or the real Declaration will be lost in the dustbin of history. If globalists had their way, all memory and every copy of the Declaration would vanish forever—along with the blessings of the principles it so eloquently champions.

The Middle-Class – Marxian ideology has taken such firm root in American society (especially found in the Swamp of D.C., but also in universities and media across the country) that the Middle-Class is finding survival more and more difficult. Since America’s prosperity was largely built on the Middle-Class, this threatens our survival as a nation. Of course the predators of the Middle-Class want the demolition of the whole country, as well. The fate of the nation is closely tied with the fate of the Middle-Class.

Small Businesses – Predators of these are numerous and enjoy great advantages from our government, making survival an increasingly difficult prospect for the naturally fragile Small Business. Regulations, taxes, and supergiants like Walmart have combined forces in depleting the natural habitat and sustenance of Small Businesses, swallowing many of them up into their already bloated globalist network. The only way to save them is through massive deregulation, lowering of taxes, and abolishing of international cartels.

*  *  *  *  *

Are you concerned the about the future of these and many other threatened species? Do you agree it’s time to stop this wanton destruction?

The answer, sadly, is not as easy as simply expanding the Federal Endangered Species List to include these and other threatened species. Work worth doing is hard work.

It’s time for responsible preservation, sustainable practices, and cooperative conservation. These endangered species are too vital to the American ecosystem to simply allow to go extinct. You can help by encouraging and/or becoming as many of these as is practicable. Alert others to the plight of our nation and encourage them to join as well. Educate your family, friends, and neighbors.

Only when enough Americans are awakened to the seriousness of the situation can we take back our country.

Happy educating!

The Collectivist’s Prayer

Our government who is in Washington, D.C.,
Hallowed be your name (we beseech you to hear our humble voices).

Your kingdom come (we’ve forgotten we’re a republic under God).

Your laws be obeyed (all 93,376,945 of them)
In our own home towns (since Swamp-Dwellers are exempt and somebody’s got to obey all those laws).

Give us this day our daily bread (we’re too lazy to work for it ourselves).

And take from them haves and give to us have-nots (your incessant “equality” propaganda has begun to wear off)
And do not lead us into prudence, wisdom, or responsibility, but deliver us from ourselves (oh all-wise government).

For yours is the rule and the power and the sovereign authority forever (until you cede it to the United Nations).
Amen (and Awomen).


Professor P.C. Doublespeak


I’m still not quite sure he knew who he was getting himself into an interview with, but somehow I obtained an appointment with the prominent professor.

I arrived precisely on time, being well aware of his propensity to get upset and call names when facing unpleasant circumstances.

The golden plaque on his door spelled out his distinguished name, Professor P. C. Doublespeak. I stared at it a moment before knocking, wondering how he had managed to end up with such a fantastic name.

He opened the door, glanced me over rather suspiciously, and with a grunt motioned for me to come in. His office was neat, smelled of old books, and was lined with well-stocked bookshelves.

Seeking to establish common ground right away, I gestured toward the handsome book cases and began cordially, “You are a bookworm, Professor?”

Heavily seating himself behind his cluttered desk, his eyes narrowed and he answered, “That is a racial insult—I cannot tolerate such racist remarks on this proudly diverse campus.”

“I apologize,” I offered hastily, searching my mind for any clue as to the discriminatory nature of the word I had grown up with.

Bookworm. Well! Who knew? Another word to eliminate from my vocabulary, I thought. I learn something new every day as a journalist!

At the same time, I took the seat he graciously offered and cocked my head, attempting to read the titles of some of his volumes. I restrained a gasp when I saw Marx’s Das Kapital, directly next to The Communist Manifesto. My eyes fell upon another shelf and seeing an entire collection under the name of Lenin, I read such titles as What Is To Be Done?, The State And Revolution, and On the Great October Socialist Revolution. On yet another shelf I saw the enormous tome Tragedy & Hope—a work by a professor of another era.

“He studies the philosophy and strategy of the enemy,” I thought with new respect. “This will be more interesting than I thought.”

I was right.

I opened my enormous flip pad and pulled out my good, old-fashioned wooden pencil.

“Thank you for giving me some of your time,” I began pleasantly; “I know you are extremely busy and I appreciate this opportunity to give our readers a chance to hear from you.”

I arranged my papers and launched right into the substance of the interview, since it appeared he had nothing to say in reply except for his grunt of acknowledgement.

“Professor, what’s the number one worst thing going wrong today?” I asked,  idly flipping my pencil between my fingers.

“As I always tell my students, there are too many things going wrong,” he replied, adjusting his spectacles ceremoniously.

I thought he looked actually pleased for the first time since I had walked inside—now that he had a chance to rant against the evils of the world. He himself looked as though he had been heavily affected by the world’s woes and burdens.

He sounded as if he was reciting an official report of What’s Wrong With the World. “The president is the most insane president since Calvin Coolidge, people are too intolerant, the earth continues to warm at alarming rates, glaciers are melting, animals are dying, poor people are getting poorer and rich folks are getting richer, people are abandoning progress and reverting to Stone Age isolationism—and then, of course, racism is rampant.” I thought I saw a severe gleam in his eye as he mentioned that last concern.

Hurriedly I scrawled down his main concerns, privately amazed at what he found most alarming. It was not, I confess, what I had quite expected from so eminent and informed a citizen.

“Define intolerance for me, please,” I said. “There’s much talk of it and it would be helpful to know clearly what you mean by it.”

“It’s being intolerant of other people or their beliefs, of course,” he answered, professing shock at my childish ignorance. “It has become a major problem in recent years particularly. Religionists seek to force their dogma on individuals who simply seek to live their lives free of religion. Do you know how difficult it is for a science-believer to be accepted and successful in a community of militant Christians?”

“Are you, then, a non-believer, Professor?” I asked, unable to conceal my shock.

“I am a firm believer in science and reality,” he retorted. “I refuse to engage in fanciful speculations about things we cannot observe.”

He pointed to a dull, colorless poster hanging on the wall. “Only when religion becomes tolerant can the world have true peace. It’s one of the most important things I teach my students.”

Surprised and rather dismayed, I moved on with the interview, determined to continue listening with an open mind.

“So climate change is a main concern of yours?” I asked. “What do you think we should do about it?”

“The present Administration has been aggressively pursuing the destruction of Mother Earth, which is nothing but suicidal,” he said, his jaw tightening. “I feel very strongly about responsible action to ensure a clean, inhabitable earth for future generations.

“We need to take measures to combat climate change and stop anthropogenic global warming. Sustainable energy is a must, government oversight is a must, global cooperation is a must . . .”

I failed to notice that I had ceased either writing or listening and had instead begun examining a stack of papers on his desk, bound with a green paper clip, sitting next to an organic granola bar. The cover page read, The Case for Socialism – Justice, Equality, and the War to Overcome Prejudice.

“Well?” he barked, abruptly interrupting my thoughts.

I cleared my throat somewhat nervously and pretended to finish taking a few remaining notes. This interview had turned out to be an intensely uncomfortable one.

“What are your views on socialism?” I asked, throwing in a question not on my list to satisfy my own curiosity.

“It is the philosophy of our time,” he answered brazenly. “It is the only hope of mankind. Only when we overthrow the oppression of the bourgeoisie and institute a new order for humanity can we enjoy true equality, tolerance, and security.”

“Professor, that sounds more like Marx,” I protested in growing alarm. “Surely you don’t believe in the ideology of The Communist Manifesto? The Bolshevik Revolution? Mao Tse-tung?”

“Well . . .” he hesitated at first, fingering a heap of student papers on his desk, “some argue that Lenin and Mao came across too strongly—too zealous—but their intentions were pure. They recognized the sacrifice was worth the long-term benefit to humanity. I believe we need more of that kind of dedication today to save us from the regressive policies of the Right.”

Astounded, I twiddled my pencil and let his words sink in more fully. Seriously? An American professor promoting twentieth century Communism? What about Communism’s demise?

He wasn’t through yet, however.

“Socialism for America is not enough. Once we’ve succeeded in making our own nation a truly equal society, where the individual gives up his own preferences and beliefs for the good of the community, we’ll share the success. We are morally bound to give progress, socialism, and equality to the oppressed peoples of the world.”

“But, Professor,” I argued, “isn’t that a little bit tyrannical? Forcing our system of government on other countries? I thought you were opposed to the Right imposing capitalism on unwilling nations. I’m afraid I don’t quite follow your line of reasoning.”

His eyes flashed dangerously. “Worldwide socialism will be a boon to all of us,” he carefully evaded my question, at the same time trying to employ his legendary ability to intimidate into silence. “In the long run, humanity will thank revolutionaries like us for bringing them into it—against their will, even—until they have been released from the bourgeoisie deception and experience true freedom and equality.”

US?” I repeated in disbelief. “‘Humanity will thank revolutionaries like ‘us’? Professor, surely you don’t mean to say you are actively working toward world communism, do you?” I was almost beside myself with the discovery. The man behind the intellectual mask was quite a shocking one indeed.

“Why, how else would I help the cause—inactively?” he glared, his voice rising. “It’s young folks like you who now stand between us and Utopia! Let me guess—you were homeschooled and you learned all about God, guns, and country.” I nodded. In spite of all else, his perception was amazingly keen. “Socialism will never work until your kind are reeducated in the essentials!” he boomed with flaming eyes.

He regained his composure and took a deep breath. With great dignity he said quietly, significantly, “I recommend you start by going to college.”

I stared into space and nodded silently as I mentally began to connect the dots. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of thinking aloud.

So,” I mused, “I go to college and get reeducated and learn how bad America is, how good socialism is, how to stop global warming, how to become a traitor to my country without being punished as such, how to be a ‘useful idiot’. . .” my voice trailed off as I snapped back to reality and suddenly realized with dismay that I was actually speaking out loud.

Glancing over at him and seeing the vehement look on his face, I decided the interview was over and rapidly rose, just barely remembering to grab my note pad as I headed out.

As he pursued me to the door, I turned around and asked just one more question.

“By the way, Professor,” I said, stepping into the hall and keeping one foot just enough inside the door to prevent him from closing it. “Would you mind sharing your name? As I’m sure you are well aware, we know what Doublespeak means, but many of us have been wondering what the initials P. C. stand for. You would dispel a lot of speculations by . . .”

He cut me off with an impatient flourish for me to remove my foot from hindering the closing of the door. “Be gone!” he roared, and the door slammed shut.

I seated myself on the closest bench in the hall and rapidly took down all the notes I had neglected to record while inside, realizing with a thrill how excited Mr. Bland would be to receive my explosive story. I hadn’t ever seen anything like it in my life—no one must know the truth about Professor Doublespeak or the universities or their secret push for communism! I thought naively.

I was literally on the edge of my seat as I drove back to work and burst into the office of my supervisor.

“I have the biggest story of the century, Mr. Bland!” I announced with all the zeal and confidence of a novice journalist who has not gone to college to learn journalism and is instead learning as-they-go.

He turned to face me, swinging around in his chair.

“Well, what is it?” he asked with trademark complacency.

“Here’s my notes from the interview with Professor P. C. Doublespeak,” I answered, proudly thrusting my big yellow pad forward.

He rapidly scanned it as I told him the abbreviated story.

“Communism, socialism, global warming, universities, bourgeoisie, reeducation—it’s all there, Mr. Bland!”

“I don’t think we’ll be able to print it,” he informed me laconically, pushing it aside.

“Whyever not?!” I demanded, hardly able to believe my ears. “This is news like you’ve never heard! A journalist’s dream—we have a plot, secrecy, evidence, significance . . . what a story! What else could you want?!”

“It’s unsuitable for our readership base. Thank you for your effort. I think I shall enroll you in the Progressive Journalism course after all,” he said blandly.

“Why is it unsuitable?” I insisted, wondering if I had somehow misunderstood the Professor and botched the interview.

“When presented with items of this kind, we are told they are baseless, discredited, and lacking either proof or importance,” he stated, swinging around in his chair to face his computer once more.

As I retreated in a state of mental disarray, I could hear Mr. Bland’s fingers pounding on his keyboard again. I was more perplexed than before. It was the most confusing day I could remember.

I have since decided not to seek interviews with Professors, Liberals, Globalists, or PC Police, figuring my time would be better spent elsewhere.

The Simple Truth

The Lord’s prayer has 56 words. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address has 266. The Ten Commandments have 297. The Declaration of Independence has 300. But a government order setting the price of cabbage has 26,911 words.” – George Fuerman

It’s rather pathetic, isn’t it? (Not to mention a great burden to those attempting to earn livings and raise families in these insane times.)

Modern federal regulations reach into practically every aspect of both our business and personal lives. Surely the Founding Fathers didn’t intend for the limited federal government they created in 1787 to mushroom to its present size, did they?

As a matter of fact, they didn’t — and that’s why they wrote the Constitution!

Here’s an important fact about the Constitution most people don’t know: our supreme law of the land was written to govern the federal government rather than the states and the people.

Another the thing most people don’t know is that ours is an enumerated Constitution — which basically means that any powers not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution are left completely up to the states and the people (see 10th Amendment).

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution lists most of the powers given to Congress. They are legally only allowed to do those things the Constitution says they may do! This is a revolutionary concept in modern American society, but if enough Americans knew just this much about the Constitution — that it is an enumerated Constitution and that Congress can’t do “pretty much anything it wants to” after all — things would begin to change. Irresponsible politicians would be voted out of office and replaced by statesmen who recognize and respect the rule of law.

Here’s a short list of things the federal government (none of the three branches — not one!) is authorized to do, and therefore may not do:

  • Provide education
  • Force citizens to purchase health insurance
  • Deploy American troops in foreign countries all across the world in undeclared “wars”
  • Provide for those who do not work
  • Regulate business
  • Offer grants to local governments
  • Restrict firearm possession
  • Spy on innocent Americans
  • Designate land as national parks
  • Enter into so-called “free trade agreements” and incrementally subject America to international control
  • And on and on and on.

John McManus, president emeritus of The John Birch Society, a nationwide group that focuses on restoring obedience to the Constitution, said of America’s amazing prosperity and success:

America did not become great because of what government did; America became great because of what government was prevented from doing.

When We the People grew lax about enforcing the Constitution, lo and behold this federal behemoth appeared and continued growing till it reached its present size!

We must restore obedience to the US Constitution at every level of government, and in order to do this, we must build widespread understanding about the founding principles, our solid foundation, and what has been going wrong.

The Constitution is the true solution!

Guns, Tent-Pegs, & Nylons

The following is an excerpt from the first chapter of E. Merrill Root’s 1971 book entitled America’s Steadfast Dream.

“One mode of anti-frontier and anti-self-reliance propaganda is contemporary hysteria about gun control – a part of the materialistic determinism of the hour. To the superficial minds of ‘Liberals,’ collectivists, Marxians, et al., instruments are supposed to act upon man, and men (no longer self-reliant) merely to be acted upon; to them, murder lies in the gun and not in the soul of man. So they think that to deprive men of guns would prevent man from murder!

“What the Power Boys – the Insiders – behind the gun controls really want, of course, is not to control guns but to control us. . . .

“Gun control is the new Prohibition. It will not work, as Prohibition did not work. But meanwhile it will be tried, as a sentimental cure-all, a new usurpation of the rights of a once thoroughly self-reliant people, another step on the march to 1984. It is only a symptom of our modern disease, but it is well worth examining at a little more length. And, as I recently made a trip to the land of Sentimentalia, and brought back a published account of gun controls there, I hope you will permit me to offer it as evidence speaking to our condition:

‘A few hundred of the several hundred million citizens of Sentimentalia have in recent years have been shot by criminals. The Congress of that land, led by Senators Tom Prodd and Jokey Hidings, and egged on by the President, responded with a law to first register, and eventually confiscate, all the wicked instruments known as “guns.” The law was passed amid tears of joy.

‘But, alas, when guns continued to be used by the happy thugs thus freed from the fear of being shot by self-reliant citizens, the Prohibitionists claimed that this meant that knives needed to be forbidden . . . and then violence and murders would end. They already had laws against switchblades (quietly evaded); but now they claimed that any sort of knife was lethal; so they sent out teams of bureaucrats to register pocket-knives, letter-openers, and straight-edged razors, and to register and license the owners of paring-knives and butcher-knives, and steak-knives and ice-picks . . . so nobody was supposed to be murdered any more. Some conforming, society-hypnotized housewives even came marching into police stations with aprons full of knives, and sang, “You Shall Overcome” as they dumped them in heaps . . . presumably to be melted into plowshares. (Nobody was ever sure of this, and the cynical even suggested that they found their way to the underprivileged, for after all the underprivileged needed knives.)

‘Even so, murders continued in Sentimentalia, and sporadic violence, so the Prohibitionists announced that it was because the controls hadn’t gone far enough. After all, murders were often committed with baseball bats, hammers, axes, hatchets, etc., etc., and how could you have a non-violent world until you did away with baseball bats, hammers, axes, and hatchets, etc., etc. Thereupon carpenters, bowed with a sense of guilt, paraded into public squares with hatchets and hammers by the gross, and dumped them before the melting pots. But houses were no longer built, and baseball ceased to be much of a game, and Paul Bunyon went for the tall timber and was never seen again because, as a self-reliant man, he wouldn’t register his axe.

‘When murders still continued, the Prohibitionists found a wicked book called the Hebrew Bible, and discovered that Jael had killed the sleeping Sisera with a nail or a tent peg, and Samson had slain a thousand with the jawbone of an ass – and so they registered and licensed all tent-pegs and nails, and searched out and confiscated the jawbone of every last ass. And when the murders still took place, the Prohibitionists found that they were sometimes committed with women’s stockings, so now no woman was allowed to appear with stockings unless her legs were examined full length to assure that she had a license sewed onto her nylons, and eventually they decided that women had no constitutional right to stockings anyway, and should keep them in a public repository while not wearing them, and call for them when needed. And the police went around stripping nylons off women’s legs, and everybody was sure that this was the end of murder.

‘Next some “Liberal” read a play by William Shakespeare and found that Othello murdered Desdemona with a pillow, so all pillows had to be licensed. Often the Prohibitionists came breaking into homes at night, and snatched pillows from under sleepy heads for failure to produce a license. When murders still continued, “Liberals” discovered that desperate men used fingernails and teeth, and now going to extremes they extracted all teeth and abolished all fingernails. But even this wasn’t enough. They discovered that murders had been committed by kicking; so you had to have a license for a pair of shoes, and you had to register every pair of feet, and some large, brutal-looking feet were amputated.

‘By this time, people were so fed up with controls that they took out after the sentimentalists and the Power Boys with fists and fingers and frozen snowballs and rocks. Senators Prodd and Hidings and even the President took refuge in bomb-shelters and managed to survive; but on the other side of their trauma they armed themselves with guns.’

“Such is the account of something rotten in the State of Sentimentalia. But ‘Liberals’ never learn, and the Prohibitionists still suppose that murder is in the gun and not in the soul of man!”

Wake Up, America!

“The world watches America, and America watches TV. America, former land of the free and home of the brave; America, a land in which workers get paid for not working, mothers get paid for not marrying, farmers get paid for not farming, and promoters get paid for fertilizer tanks which ain’t; America, where the only God recognized in the classroom in Santa Claus. A people who lack the morality to stand on their feet and say no will some day have to say yes on their knees. A people who won’t take a stand deserve to take a fall.” – Thomas Jefferson Anderson, 1964

Wake up America!

Dear fellow Americans:

In spite of having elected the best president since Calvin Coolidge, we have not yet won the battle for American liberty.

We have work to do. Our Constitutional Republic is still in grave danger of being destroyed.

Our troops are still scattered over the face of the earth.

The United Nations continues taking powers unto itself.

NAFTA is being renegotiated rather than canceled.

The Constitution is still ignored—and is, in fact, dangerously close to being destroyed via a national Constitutional Convention.

There is an outright war on local police. Violence is erupting across the country.

Education is still controlled federally.

The general populace is still largely ignorant of the founding principles of limited government and protection of God-given rights that made America great in the first place.

Even if President Trump was a strict constitutionalist and made even greater strides than he already has in rolling back federal regulations, ditching the global warming scam, and restoring American sovereignty and independence, he still couldn’t accomplish everything necessary to steer America back onto the road of limited, constitutional government.

And that’s a good thing.

In writing the Constitution, the Founding Fathers deliberately gave all lawmaking powers—that’s 100%—to the legislative branch, Congress—not the executive or judicial branches.

Therefore the president can only do so much toward saving the country.

The rest of it is up to you and me.

Many people realize that the representatives and senators we keep sending to Washington aren’t doing their job correctly. Most of us recognize that Congress  lets the other branches step outside their constitutional limitations, while they themselves also overstep their constitutional boundaries.

But we keep on electing them.

Year after year, the American Congress continues to run up huge deficits through unconstitutional spending—things like foreign aid, disaster relief, welfare, endless bureaucracy, spying on the American people, federalizing local police departments, and doing many other things that would have been unimaginable to our Founding Fathers when they penned a Constitution that granted “few and defined” powers to the federal government.

Yet we keep reelecting them.

In order to accurately prescribe a solution to any problem, the first step is to find the root cause of the problem. If we don’t go all the way down to the deepest roots, or we look at the roots of the wrong tree, we will never be able to discover the true solution.

If we were to suppose that the federal government’s abuse of power is the problem, we would only have discovered the uppermost roots of the problem tree—the ones crawling along above ground and visible to all.

Digging a little deeper, we might guess that the cause of our straying so far from our founding principles is due to subversive influence of our government. But that’s still not the heart and core of our very serious problem.

Here’s the root problem, America:

We the People have allowed our government to grow too big, too expensive, and too intrusive by neglecting civic responsibility.

The problem is us! When Americans would rather watch football, spend their lives on social media, live in virtual realities, and engage in all the other “urgent” things with which we can waste our time than take civic responsibility—that’s where we’ve gone wrong. And that’s why we’re in the mess we are.

This neglecting of civic responsibility has been gradually increasing over multiple generations.

Not without outside influence, of course.

Those who want to rule the world and are pushing for the New World Order have long sought to distract Americans with meaningless, frivolous diversions. They don’t want us to wake up and see our country being rapidly swallowed up by regional and global governance.

Tune into establishment media organs and it won’t take you long to notice the lack of important things discussed. (Granted, they do their best to make the focus of their reporting seem terribly important.) In the political arena, their main focus is on the president—who, as mentioned earlier, does not have a great amount of power—and guess what? How much influence do you really have on the president?

The media directs our attention to either unimportant items or problems we can’t do much about. This powerfully coordinated campaign to destroy America has the advantage of having mainstream media on their side—giving false solutions and spreading misinformation.

If our problem is a widespread and generational lack of civic responsibility, what is the proper solution?

This is an incredibly simple answer:

The Constitution is the solution!

The way Chris Stevens, National Field Director for The John Birch Society, puts it, the American Constitution “enabled a greater amount of freedom and prosperity for a greater number of people than any system ever devised by man.”

The Constitution limits the government rather than the states and the people, creating a free market and an environment that motivates bettering oneself by being allowed to keep the fruits of one’s labor.

In reality our constitutional system is so incredibly simple that any of us can easily learn and understand it—and educate others about it to create a responsible, informed electorate. (But who cares about exerting work like that? Especially during football season!)

An excellent resource to begin to understand the constitutional principles that made America so free and prosperous is The John Birch Society’s Overview of America. In 29 minutes you can get a fascinating overview of why the American experiment in individual liberty worked for so long—and what is happening today.

Once you’ve educated yourself on the Constitution and America’s foundational principles (which is easier than you think), the next step is to move on to sharing your new found knowledge with others. Begin with those in your circle of influence—friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, fellow church members, etc.

Educate them on both the problem (an irresponsible electorate resulting in an irresponsible government) and the solution (a responsible, informed electorate resulting in a constitutional, limited government).

If you went to work educating the electorate in your local community, this would be fantastic. You’d be able to make a difference. You might see a better informed electorate begin making wiser choices in choosing local public servants.

But suppose that you were not the only one educating the electorate in your community. Imagine what would happen if others were doing the same thing, reaching out to their circles of influence with powerful educational material.

Can you think of certain community policies that would begin to change as the educated electorate voted wisely and chose advocates of limited government? Can you rattle off a list of local officials who would be replaced with principled constitutionalists?

Things happen when the electorate is properly informed—and even better, things happen when we work in concert. If you and a dozen others in your community were educating the electorate, you could expect far more changes for the better than if you alone engaged in effective action of this type. Concerted action is powerful.

Now imagine for a moment the difference in our country if thousands of responsible citizens worked to educate and activate their circles of influence all across the country!

There is only one nationwide, concerted-action organization who creates professional educational material for members to distribute all across the nation to their circles of influence and especially leaders and opinion molders. Working in concert on the most significant issues, JBS has repeatedly thwarted the establishment in key battles.

That’s why The John Birch Society has been so viciously attacked by the establishment over the decades since its founding in 1958.

Its founder, Robert Welch, recognized that the collection of conservative single-issue debating societies spread across America could never beat the thoroughly entrenched political establishment pushing us into the New World Order. That’s the reason he founded The John Birch Society—something new and unique in the history of mankind.

Members work in concert all across the nation solving the root of the problem by educating the electorate. JBS produces a vast selection of educational materials for dedicated patriots to use in waking up their fellow citizens.

Properly solving the problem is not easy. It’s far easier to engage in partisan politics or attend rallies and feel that one is making a difference. It’s even easier to ignore the problem entirely and live in blissful ignorance—but ignorance is only bliss for so long. Sooner or later we’d find ourselves asking in despair, “I wonder how we got here?”

We must get involved in saving the republic before it gets to that point because by then it would be too late. Our only recourse at that point would be our guns—if we still had them.

So yes, it is far easier to be a responsible, patriotic citizen now than it would be farther down the road if things do not change.

Creating a responsible informed electorate is the only way we will be able to fix Congress and the rest of the country.

We must work like it depends on us—because it does; and we must pray like it depends on God—because it does.

Will your children and grandchildren enjoy as much freedom as you?

I’ll close with an excellent quote from the same man we began with a quote from.

“I’m for The John Birch Society. Not only that, I’m for Robert Welch. The John Birch Society offers the best organization, the best plan and the best program and leadership I know to save America from socialism, insolvency and surrender. If there is a better organization, lead me to it. I want to join it—and I’m not a joiner. . . .

“‘But I don’t want to join an organization which has been smeared,’ some say. If you belong to an anti-Communist organization which has not been smeared, get out of it, you’re wasting your time. Every person from Martin Dies on down who has done a job against the Communists gets hurt. It’s okay to fight ‘Communism’; that’s sort of like being against sin. But if you do a real job specifically against Communists—their work, their people, their occasions, their events, their programs—you’re going to be crucified. . . .

“It’s a great tribute to The John Birch Society that it is the number one target of the Communist Party in this country. The John Birch Society has been called monolithic. It needs to be monolithic, else it would have been infiltrated and destroyed long ago. But there is no compulsion at any level in The John Birch Society. . . . We don’t believe in compulsion. We believe in individualism. . . . Some people say, ‘But I can do more good on the outside.’ My favorite question to that is: what?” – Thomas Jefferson Anderson, 1963

NAFTA – Renegotiating a Disaster

“It is our clear policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world.” — George Washington

Since America abandoned the sound advice of our Founding Fathers concerning alliances with foreign nations, we have become more and more involved in international organizations and agreements. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been one of these disasters, which are falsely styled “free trade agreements.”

While many people—including President Trump—recognize that NAFTA has been a “bad deal” for America, the focus has mainly been on the least important aspects of the failure of NAFTA.

Most discussion has centered around the undesirable economic ramifications of NAFTA—how it’s harmed our economy and caused unemployment. The real dangers that NAFTA—and similar entangling alliances—pose to the freedom and sovereignty of our Constitutional Republic are rarely talked about.

Don’t let them make you think it’s all about bringing back jobs, increasing economic prosperity, establishing fair trade, and renegotiating a “better” deal. The far more important issues at hand are the long-term dangers to American liberty and sovereignty.

Another question asked far too little is whether America should even be involved in negotiating “trade” agreements with other countries in the first place. For one thing, American involvement in international organizations is unconstitutional. Nowhere in the Constitution is there authority given to any branch of the federal government to enter into and subject America to international governing bodies.

Continued involvement in NAFTA—even a renegotiated NAFTA—will result in further erosion of national sovereignty, more globalism, and even more destructive “trade agreements.”

The European Union—a disastrous, socialist international trade bloc—was built by agreements similar to NAFTA. One agreement, pact, and partnership at a time, the same globalists who engineered the EU’s gradual advance from economic integration to complete political integration also plan to destroy America’s sovereignty by the same gradual process. They want a North American Union.

In order to reach world government, which is the ultimate aim of both internationalists and globalists, they must feed globalism to us a little bit at a time. They know we’d never swallow the whole bottle of poison at once. Like the unfortunate frog in the gradually-heated boiling pot, we’re having globalism spoon-fed to us one trade agreement at a time.

If they are allowed to continue, someday we’ll find ourselves completely subservient to an EU-style supranational government. And once they fully entangle every part of the world—and especially America—into these regional unions, it will be an easy step to merge them into one New World Order.

Britain voted to get out of the EU over a year ago. They still are fighting to get out, and will have to keep on fighting if they are going to successfully throw off the chains of international bureaucracy in Brussels and regain their national sovereignty.

Let’s get out of NAFTA and other international outfits such as NATO and the United Nations, before we become trapped in the predicament of Europe’s once free and independent nations.

NAFTA is a bad deal not just because of “jobs,” but because it’s a major stepping stone to subjecting America to a supranational government.

Take Action – Get Us Out! of NAFTA

Additional Information on NAFTA:
















What Is the Proper Role of Government?

In a day-in-age where OSHA labors to protect us from ourselves, and the United Nations is exploring ways to make us “happy,” and the Supreme Court rules that same-sex “marriage” is legal, a woefully neglected foundational question that must be asked is, “What is the proper role of government?”

Historical examples reveal many governmental failures, and the resulting tragedies.

The reason government tends to fail is that it tends to grow. And through growth of government comes corruption, higher taxes, manipulation of the money supply, rules and regulations, economic instability, distortion of justice, poverty for the masses, power for the elites, and ultimately, abolition of individual freedom. The failed government may consider itself successful in reaching its objectives—but its people suffer.

It has been aptly stated: “That government is best which governs least.” The growth of a government does not bode well for its citizens. Expansion of governmental powers always precedes—and causes—destruction of unalienable rights and poverty for the enslaved masses. Governments left to themselves, like children, invariably begin overstepping established boundaries.

Yet too little government—or complete anarchy—creates just as significant failures as governments which have grown too large. There is a proper balance between too much and too little government. What is the proper role of government, and when is it just the right size?

The Proper Role
In order to determine the proper role of government, one must start at the source of life and freedom—our Creator—and examine His standard for civil authority.

In Romans 13 as well as throughout the Old Testament, God established that the main function of government is to protects its citizens:

  • From domestic criminals by executing justice on those who have violated the rights of another individual; and
  • From foreign enemies by raising an army in case of belligerent attack.

Put simply, government is there to protect the rights of its citizens. Nothing more, nothing less.

This is, however, still too vague of a job description, for what are “rights”? Many liberals call education, health care, and housing basic human “rights,” while conservatives fight for other rights such as life, private property, and self-defense. Who is to have the final say on defining “rights”?

Once more we turn to the Lawgiver and Supreme Judge of the World to definitively answer the question.

In establishing the standard of justice and the duties of civil government, He gave every individual human being rights. He reveals some of our unalienable—that is, God-given—rights in the 10 Commandments.

“Thou shalt not steal” names the right to private property. “Thou shalt not murder” gives every individual the right to life. “Thou shalt not commit adultery” gives us the right to marry.

Frédéric Bastiat said succinctly, “Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”

“If men were angels,” said James Madison, “no government would be necessary.” If mankind was 100% righteous, there would be no need for government at all. Period. We’d all govern ourselves. But since we aren’t angels . . . Executing justice by punishing wrong-doers is the chief duty of government, and only by strict, impartial enforcement of established laws protecting human rights is crime discouraged.

The Declaration of Independence eloquently proclaimed that “all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” It further proclaimed “that to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.”

In one of the most important founding documents of our nation, the appropriate duty of civil government is clearly enunciated. Following the eight long years of the War for Independence, the Founders wrote the Constitution, which embodied the role of good government.

They created a Constitutional Federal Republic in which the federal government was granted limited and specified powers—namely, to protect the unalienable rights of Americans for generations to come.

The limited government designed by the Founding Fathers was not meant to be a government that grew in scope and power. Incorporating Biblical principles and protection of God-given rights into both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they established a rule of law based on the divine pattern for good, legitimate government.

Their experiment in freedom, limited government, and checks and balances produced a greater amount of freedom and prosperity for a greater number of people than any system ever devised by man. God knew what He was doing when He gave us our rights, and He knew what He was doing when He instituted civil government to protect them.

It is the expansion of the federal government beyond the powers granted it by the Constitution that our modern problems lie.

An Over-Sized Government
Our federal government has transitioned into a corrupt sugar-daddy system of, by, and for the politicians (and their cronies). They purchase votes by promising other people’s money. That used to be called “stealing” in the good old days; now it’s “public charity” and we Christians are told to support it because Christ told us to care for the poor. Yet He never told us to get government to look out for the needy, and He certainly never indicated that government programs to “end” poverty are a good idea. He said, “You will always have the poor with you.”

Thomas J. Anderson (1910-2002), a conservative author and speaker, depicted a striking illustration of the reality of federal welfare programs. In 1965 he said,

“Even if there were a real need for government projects [specifically welfare & grants], calling on the federal government to do it is like giving yourself a blood transfusion from your right arm to your left arm with a leaky tube. In the case of federal aid the leaky tube represents the swarm of bureaucrats who live off your blood. The federal government has no money, except what it takes from you. The federal government does not create anything. It is a poisonous parasite, fatal when absorbed in large doses. The real reason for federal aid is that the administrations seduce the people by giving them ‘other people’s money.’ … That’s the PLAN: one all-powerful, centralized government in Washington. The Planners say that in our complex society we no longer have the necessary money at the local level. If we don’t it’s because these leeches have stolen from us. Sending money to Washington so the Planners can send it back to us is a continuous transfusion in which the bureaucrats keep one-third for their own use. If we are to save and restore our constitutional Republic, we must assume, at the local level, those rights, privileges, taxing powers, and responsibilities guaranteed by the greatest freedom document ever devised by man, the Constitution of the United States.”

Both foreign and domestic aid are both beyond the scope of good government, and are even more clearly beyond the scope of the Constitution.

Federal welfare programs are merely one example among hundreds that could be used to demonstrate the disaster and corruption resulting from governmental interference in local and/or private affairs. Federal intrusion has made a mess of healthcare, agriculture, drugs, education, and many more areas. When the feds get involved in anything not delegated to them by the Constitution—inevitably armed with higher taxes and more constrictive regulations and red tape—prices go up, quality comes down, citizens are dissatisfied, and government has gathered even more power unto itself.

If our federal government stayed within its Constitutional boundaries, the issue of excessive and burdensome taxes would practically vanish. The federal leviathan would be dramatically reduced in size and cost. The budget would be balanced in no time and they could actually afford to lower taxes!

Below are many modern fallacious beliefs about the role of our federal government, emanating from both sides of the political aisle.

Government Should. . .
Ensure every child receives an “education.”
Manage citizens’ retirement funds and insure they are cared for.
See to it that every person has health insurance, regardless of the needs and priorities of the individual.
Fight terrorism abroad.
Help foreign despotic regimes by giving them billions of American tax dollars and fighting their wars for them with the blood of American boys and girls.
Fund state and local departments through grants.
Clamp down on greedy corporations.
Bail out banks and businesses that are “too big” to fail.
Protect us from ourselves.
Manage industries.
Provide welfare for the poor.
Set price controls and determine minimum wage.
Surrender sovereignty to as many supranational and world governing-bodies as possible.
Engage in endless no-win wars.
Legislate “marriage” standards for Americans.
Define when human life begins.
Fund abortion.
Grant tax-breaks to those it deems worthy.
Manage the monetary system.
Make its citizens “happy.”
Protect the environment.
And much, much more.

America has a colossal government which has far out-stepped the bounds of good government, causing myriad problems in every area in which it gets involved.

On April 8, 2010, John Bachtell, who later became—and is today—Chairman of the Communist Party USA, provided a partial view of the Communist view of the role of government in an article for People’s World entitled “What is the role of government?” (No, I didn’t forget to properly capitalize the letters in the title—that was the forgetting of People’s World.)

“The role of government and its ability to make a difference in people’s daily lives is not a question the progressive or democratic movement can take lightly . . . For 30 years the extreme right wing and Republicans have been doing every thing in their power to dismantle the part of government that addresses people’s needs [If only!] . . . Government is an arena of the class struggle. Whenever government actually serves the interests of people it is the result of bitterly fought battles . . . [The public] appreciates social services and any protections from corporate exploitation, racial or gender discrimination. But people’s faith in government has eroded in the face of the constant anti-government ultra-right ideological barrage.”

What Chairman Bachtell means by government “actually serving the interests of people,” of course, is government serving the interest of communist elites. Even while they promise grand socialist programs to benefit the “working class,” supposedly to make our lives easier, they acquire power for themselves and punish those of us who labor for our bread.

The empty Communist promise of “equality” translates into “equal poverty for all” through governmental redistribution of wealth—definitely beyond the power of Biblical or Constitutional government.

Lastly, Mr. Bachtell, most of us “ultra-righters” are not, as you claim, “anti-government.” We are for a just government. A Biblical government. A Constitutional government. A government that serves the people by protecting their rights.

A nation who is so lazy, apathetic, and indolent that they want their government to provide for them deserve exactly what they’ll get: tyranny. Ludwig von Mises said, “Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.”

What it Takes to Limit Government
If our Founders created a limited federal government under the Constitution that left the vast majority of responsibilities up to the states and the people, what has happened?

The tragic answer is that generations of Americans have not been holding elected officials responsible for their actions. They haven’t been appropriately replacing politicians who step outside their Constitutional boundaries. And government left to itself inevitably grows.

The Constitution is not the problem—it’s not causing today’s over-sized federal monstrosity. The problem is that the government isn’t obeying the Constitution—because We the People have shown we don’t care whether they do or not (it didn’t take politicians long to figure out that we’ll keep electing them regardless).

“If you have a government of good laws and bad men, you will have a bad government. For bad men will not be bound by good laws,” said Robert LeFevre. Ultimately, it is We the People who are responsible for the federal mess, because we haven’t held them accountable.

Today’s situation is perilous because over the centuries the American people have been lulled into complacency through freedom and prosperity, and have largely taken their eyes off civil affairs. Left to itself, the American federal government exploded into the modern massive behemoth of Washington, D.C.

The Swamp has not been drained—and won’t until obedience to the U.S Constitution is restored and hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats are sent home to look for real jobs. Downsize, eliminate, minimize. “That government is best which governs least.”

Only a vigilant citizenry can preserve their freedoms—by actively enforcing government to obey the law and stay within proper limitations. Only a watchful, active citizenry can enjoy protection, security, and prosperity—when it “binds them down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution,” as Thomas Jefferson said.

We the People are responsible for the actions of our government. It’s high time we spread the principles of limited government—so amazingly simple—so that we’ll be able to enjoy the blessings of good government for years to come.

The Silent Majority

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil,” said Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor who actively opposed Hitler’s Nazi dictatorship during WWII. He was executed by the Nazis on April 9, 1945.

Such is all too often the cost of resisting evil that we of the dedicated minority face—and the Silent Majority looks on, refusing to choose sides.

Most of those in the Silent Majority don’t realize whose side they have chosen by not choosing. The Silent Majority is as culpable as the evil they refuse to fight. By allowing evil to win, the Silent Majority is—and always has been—an accomplice.

The Silent Majority hopes to live their lives without having to participate in the battle between good and evil that is as real and inevitable as death. Choosing to ignore reality doesn’t mean it ceases to exist.

The dedicated minority has two sides. As Tom Anderson used to say, “History, good and bad, has been made not by silent majorities, but by vociferous minorities. Whether we win or lose this titanic struggle for freedom depends on whether the dedicated minority working for what is right and good is more powerful and more effective than the dedicated minority working for what is wrong and evil.”

It can’t get much clearer than that.

Where does the Silent Majority come in on the fight?

Tom Anderson said, “The Silent Majority sat by and saw Him crucified. The Silent Majority permitted the reign of terror in the French Revolution. The Silent Majority watched as the Christians were burned at the stake. The Silent Majority sneered when Patrick Henry pled: ‘Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?’ The Silent Majority watched as the street demonstrations in Germany were taken over by a little unknown paper-hanger and corporal named Adolph Hitler.”

The Silent Majority, my fellow Americans, is right now allowing a socialist, criminal cabal to enslave the world through a one-world government.

The Silent Majority allows socialism, atheism, and immorality to be taught in our public schools—and sends their children there as well.

The Silent Majority has allowed the sodomite minority to force their trash down our throats to the point that my local library’s Teen Summer Reading Program is to “Read an LGBTQ novel.” Mary Calderone herself couldn’t have picked a worse topic for impressionable young teens to explore. And the Silent Majority looks on as Christians are persecuted for refusing to cater to the pervert-community.

The Silent Majority needs to stand up and begin fighting on the right side!

Jesus Christ didn’t tell His disciples, “Go ahead and live your lives. Be silent, be peaceful, and ‘coexist.’ Don’t worry about what the Other Side is doing; the victory is Mine on the final day anyway.”

Instead the Lord said, “He who is not with Me is against Me.” He said, “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

The prophets of the Old Testament—great men of God like Elijah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel—were not silent—and they weren’t a majority. Standing before King Ahab, the prophet Micaiah was outnumbered by 400 prophets of Baal!

The prophets of God were persecuted, but they were rewarded by God. They did not live serene, peaceful lives, but they received the glories of heaven.

The minority dedicated to righteousness and justice—regardless of the cost—are the only ones who will inherit the Kingdom. As for the Silent Majority who play “churchianity,” pretend loyalty to country, and shirk responsibility, God will be less than pleased with them on Judgment Day.

Christ had a message for the majority: “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.” If the majority’s doing something, examine God’s standard and get on the right side: you’ll virtually always find yourself in the minority.

But the minority can win! And we will win, by God’s grace—with the help of a repentant Silent Majority who stop watching and get involved in the fight.

For the sake of your children, your grandchildren, your country, and your God: Please, get out of the Silent Majority!

Happy Independence Day!

1776 - 2017

Happy birthday, America!

241 years ago, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, a free and independent America was born. The Founders pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors to the cause of freedom, and fought to defend American independence during a bloody war with the mighty British Empire–a war that lasted for eight long, difficult years.

Following the War for Independence, the Founders created a Constitutional Federal Republic that respects the unalienable rights of citizens and the sovereignty of states. Our American origins in freedom and morality are truly remarkable and unique in the history of mankind. Under our marvelous Constitution, America has enjoyed a greater amount of freedom and prosperity for a greater number of people than any system ever devised by man.

Let’s celebrate American independence today by remembering the sacrifice of the Founding Fathers and educating our family and friends about the principles of individual liberty and unalienable rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence!


Willie & the Little Sign

Note: This story is fictional.

* * * * *

No Guns

You may have heard of Willie before. . .but then again you may not, since Left-leaning media wasn’t keen on reporting this particular event. Just in case you haven’t heard of him, I’ll tell his story here.

Willie was a convicted criminal. He made his living by robbery. He had his trusty handgun, and he found that almost everywhere he went all he had to do was display his gun—clerks, cashiers, and customers alike complied with his demands. And he had no qualms about pulling the trigger when he deemed it necessary.

This lifestyle didn’t appear to bother him, and though he had served jail-time on multiple occasions, he was always back on the streets in a few months. He managed to elude capture in many situations when law enforcement officials tried to arrest him.

One time, however, he walked into a theater and demanded all the money in the till—a perfectly normal routine for him.

To his surprise and dismay, a movie-goer standing nearby calmly retrieved his own gun and aimed it at Willie.

The hardened criminal fled the theater and vowed never to go near it again.

What if I actually get shot next time? he thought as he grumpily marched down a rainy back alley the next afternoon. He was still quite jarred from his experience with the gun-wielding theater patron he had encountered the previous night. This is dangerous business!

It was indeed, but the next day Willie was back at his same old trade—he did, after all, need to eat, and he was willing neither to work for his bread nor apply for welfare.

After several more successful ventures, Willie’s confidence returned and he faced little if any resistance wherever he went, as before.

Then one day Willie entered the tiny convenience store on the corner and demanded all the money in the till.

This time the clerk herself was the one who badly surprised Willie by whipping her own gun out and pointing it at him.

“Move and I’ll shoot,” she said as she drew her phone from her pocket to call the police, but Willie was too quick and fled the way he had come.

Once more frightened, Willie became angry as he stalked up and down a distant alley and pondered the situation. He stormed and growled and would probably have shot anyone crossing his path. Luckily, no one did.

Willie decided he’d catch a ride on the train and move onto a newer, bigger city. He needed change, and besides, his hometown neighbors were arming themselves to defend themselves against his terrorism and robbery. Now they were succeeding—not him. And he hated it.

Accordingly, he moved on to the next town and began his devilish activities there.

He had only been there three days when he came across the most interesting thing he had ever seen.

It was small, and sitting in the window of a small toy store. It wasn’t a toy, however. It was a little white sign with a handgun symbol and a red strike-through circle.

Willie blinked and wondered if he was dreaming. This was a no-gun zone? A. . .gun-free zone! What a clever idea! I’ll bet some really clever crook thought of that one! he thought, and he wasn’t too far from the truth.

After several moments of silent, delighted reflection, Willie decided he would have to remember to look for more of those special signs.

At last he shrugged, chuckled wickedly, pushed the door open, and stalked inside the unsuspecting toy store.

* * * * *

Gun-free zones are not safe zones.

If liberals and advocates of stricter gun-control laws simply stepped into the minds of criminals (not a very far leap for them, after all) and looked at the world through the warped viewpoints of hardened burglars and murderers, they would realize just how lethal those little gun-free signs really are to innocent civilians.

If you were a crook, would you be likely to pick on a firearms shop, or would you prefer a “gun-free” establishment?

Truth is, criminals are already breaking the law by their very lifestyle. I can just see them entering a gun-free zone, snapping their fingers, and saying, “Guess I’ll have to leave my gun behind this time.”

The only thing gun-free zones do is prevent good guys from having firearms. Those signs proclaim to the criminally-minded, “Come try us out! You won’t find any opposition here!”

Next time you run into a gun-control freak, try asking, “Wouldn’t you like to put up a big sign in your front yard that says, ‘This house is proudly gun free’?”

I’d love to hear their response!

The World Will Turn Right-Side Up

Maybe it’s just me—extremist, radical me—but sometimes I wonder about the day when American foreign policy won’t look so much like a nightmarish film written and directed by our enemies, and our SNAPpy neighbors will find jobs, and American education will be managed by parents and local communities.

In fact, I expect there will be a number of significant things happening that day. CNN will report an event without injecting an anti-American slant, Bernie Sanders will praise the benefits of the free market, George Soros will acknowledge the existence of a Being higher than himself, and Black Lives Matter will fight for the lives of unborn black babies.

That will happen, of course, the same day that Richard Haass and the Council on Foreign Relations are exposed by The New York Times. Henry Kissinger will be given a fair trial and find himself behind bars for treason. The Clintons will be encouraged to seek refuge in Russia, where no doubt their friend Putin will cordially welcome them; and frankly, I’m pretty sure Hillary’s silly grin will disappear en route. At the same time the Clinton Foundation will repudiate its history and donate to The John Birch Society.

On the afternoon of that wonderful day, I’ll drive over to the grocery store and purchase my week’s groceries with a silver eagle rather than those pathetic Federal Reserve Notes. Up the road, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis will be sitting vacant until an honest company makes it their office. Janet Yellen will be in search of a new job, Robert Lighthizer will publicly denounce entangling international trade agreements, Jeb Bush will say something truly enlightening, Mark Meckler will praise the limited government of the Constitution, and John McCain and Lindsey Graham will jointly condemn the communism of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

That day I’ll jump on the Internet and the numbers on the national debt-watch websites will be steadily decreasing at the rate they are increasing today. That day copies of the US Constitution all over America will be retrieved from shadowy corners and dusted off and read. Refugees will desist from flooding our country, and that evening NAFTA will be canceled in a late night session of Congress.

Harry Reid will, in his esteemed retirement, vocally support private firearms ownership, and Cecile Richards will stand up for women’s health by discouraging certain murderous and unnatural behavior.

As the cherished principles of freedom spread the world over on that blessed day, I can vividly see the dissolving of the Disunited Nations, and the blue-helmeted “peace keepers” going home, and the UN world judges casting off their priestly robes, and the Climate Alarmists confessing their distortion of records in order to scare the populace. I can see the obnoxiously tall building in NYC finding a new location elsewhere in this wide, wide world, perhaps under a different name—maybe they’ll even construct a statue of a real gun on the grounds this time, just to see if it improves their luck. Nikki Haley will have to move onto more important work; perhaps she’ll be qualified to provide assistance to Venezuela.

That day Bernie Sanders will discontinue raging, John Kaisch will become a conservative, James Comey will make sense, “Reverend” Al will bite his Sharp-Tongue, Mitch McConnell will advocate putting America first, Bob Goodlatte will live up to his name, Paul Ryan will vote against a globalist measure, Chuck Schumer will quit his double-talk, Congress will take a vacation, and “let’s move” Michelle Obama and her husband will pack their bags and “move” away from our capital, having overstayed their visit.

Lawyers will gain simplicity, professors sense, snowflakes guts, protesters haircuts, celebrities clothing, men masculinity, women femininity, loafers jobs, and government tax-cuts. There will be much gained on that day.

Losses will be heavy as well, however.

John McCain will lose his conservative mask, Bill Kristol his following, Nancy Pelosi her ego, Rex Tillerson his job, Bill Ayers his head, Hollywood its business, Fox News its credibility, the Supreme Court its sovereign authority, ambassadors their immunity, the UN its usurped powers, and Congress the major portion of their paychecks; the Constitution will be bereaved of the 16th and 17th Amendments, reporters of their arrogance, universities of federal funding, Montana of its grizzlies, political parties of their monopoly on elections, taxpayers of their immense burden, bureaucracies of their bureaucrats, loafers of their unemployment benefits, and liberals of the privilege of defining our language for us. Conservatives will gladly shed political correctness at this time and speak the Truth freely.

On that marvelous day “McCarthyism” will become a mark of distinction, Robert Welch will be remembered as one of America’s greatest (and most brilliant) heroes, and America’s #1 news publication will be The New American magazine.

That day the world will turn upside down. . .or will it be right-side up?

Until then, in Deo speramus alia vigilemus.
(In God we trust, all others we watch.)

Tolkien’s Timeless Trilogy

“There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. . . and it’s worth fighting for.”

– Sam Gamgee

Bag End.jpeg

Have you ever compared the fight for freedom to the epic struggle depicted in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings?

The trilogy was written between 1937 and 1949—certainly a dark time for those dedicated to preserving freedom by limiting government. The Second World War came and went, failing to bring about “world peace,” despite the founding of the United Nations on October 24, 1945. This major step toward the New World Order launched the U.S. into unprecedented levels of global meddling in foreign controversies, accelerated subversion of U.S. sovereignty, and the empowering of despotic regimes worldwide. Dark times indeed.

The threatening menace we face—the headquarters of which is the Dark Tower on our eastern seaboard, surrounded by the colorful flags of the nations of the world, better known as the United Nations—is not the tower of Barád-Dŭr, nor does it have hordes of Orcs, trolls, and Nazgûl it may send flooding in where resistance is strongest. They do, however, enjoy the sadistic devotion of multitudinous minions who obediently carry out the bidding of the conspiracy’s masterminds.

Tolkien masterfully depicted the age-old struggle of freedom versus tyranny, justice versus oppression, and loyalty versus selfishness in his gripping story. The tale resonates with Americanists as we ourselves face the same historic struggle.

In the trilogy, Tolkien powerfully contrasted good with evil and pitted them against each other in a struggle not unlike our own. He left no room for compromising between good and evil, nor did he blur the lines and confuse the two sides like many modern fantasies, which often portray as heroes figures who view the ends as justifying the means and are willing to do whatever is necessary to get what they want. Light and darkness do not swap qualities in the LotR. Part of what makes The Lord of the Rings such an exceedingly satisfying story is Tolkien’s masterful portrayal of total victory over evil—even to the remotest corners of the Shire.

When considering our battle with the globalist Insiders, who insanely lust for power, words such as Gandalf’s in The Return of the King seem written for us.

If it [the Ring of Power] is destroyed, then he [Sauron] will fall; and his fall will be so low that none can foresee his arising ever again. For he will lose the best part of the strength that was native to him in his beginning, and all that was made or begun with that power will crumble, and he will be maimed forever, becoming a mere spirit of malice that gnaws itself in the shadows, but cannot again grow or take shape. And so a great of evil of this world will be removed.

The 1 Ring

“Other evils there are that may come; for Sauron is himself but a servant or emissary. Yet it is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.”

Concluding his counsel, Gandalf said:

For, my lords, it may well prove that we ourselves shall perish utterly in a black battle far from the living lands; so that even if Barad-dûr be thrown down, we shall not live to see a new age. But this, I deem, is our duty. And better so than to perish nonetheless—as we surely shall, if we sit here—and know as we die that no new age shall be.

Tolkien adequately addressed here the problem of despair and lack of hope when facing the foe. Giving up, Tolkien wrote, is unacceptable and shameful. He also pointed out that the face of evil each generation battles may appear different, but they will always have the same atrocious objectives—and share the same ultimate mastermind: the devil.

History is a story filled with a succession of evil movements, each lusting for power and world domination. Whether it was the Illuminati of the eighteenth century, or the Communists of the twentieth century, or the crusaders of the New World Order of the modern day, there is relatively no difference in the eventual aims of these conspirators, spread out over American history.

In the end, they are merely arms of the vast conspiracy waged against God since the beginning of this world—Satan deceives the nations and in every generation attempts to bring all light, every hope, and each soul, into eternal darkness. The foremost way to accomplish this is to use evil government to suppress truth.

In the quote above, Tolkien admitted that in spite of the best efforts of the righteous, the war may still be lost to evil. Yet he brilliantly put it in perspective, pointing out that while we may lose, it will be better to have thrown ourselves wholeheartedly into preserving freedom—and still lose—rather than to sit and disgracefully wait for an unavoidable loss.

Gandalf spoke of leaving ‘clean earth to till’ for those who come after—our children and our grandchildren. What kind of country are we leaving them?

There are those who, as Gandalf said, “. . .sit here and know as they die. . .” that liberties are being lost and innocents murdered and the truth crushed. Some despairingly attempt to excuse themselves of their civic responsibility by claiming that America is a lost cause—that there is nothing we can do to save our country from the New World Order.

Yet do we have anything to lose by trying? And don’t we have everything to gain?

And even supposing we did sooner or later lose our country to world tyranny, that wouldn’t change the fact that our duty, our God-given responsibility, is to fight for righteousness in the meantime. Robert Welch, founder of The John Birch Society, wrote in 1959, “We do know that history is full of apparently lost causes that still emerged victorious. We simply refuse to be licked; and for that reason, among others, we do not think that we shall be.” That is the winning attitude we all need to have. We labor and persevere for liberty and trust the results to God.

Perhaps many can sympathize with Frodo when he learned the terrifying truth about the Ring he had received: the One Ring, the Ring of Power.

I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.”

In true Gandalf-fashion, the wizard replied, “So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”

The times truly are in the Lord’s hands—and He placed us when and where He did for a reason. We may not know His plan, but we do know that we are “not to lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” (Galatians 6:9)

“The Dark Lord has Nine. But we have One, mightier than they: the White Rider. He has passed through the fire and the abyss, and they shall fear him. We will go where he leads,” Aragorn declared in The Two Towers. What an amazing reminder to the battle-weary and hopeless among us: We have the White Rider, and we will go where He leads us—ultimately to victory. Revelation 19:11,16 tells us, “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. …And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, ‘KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.’” Following Him were the “armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen white and clean,” also riding white horses.

Fellow soldiers, we are engaged in a spiritual battle! We must wake up and fight! Our King goes before us, and is with us—what are we waiting for? “Arise, arise, riders of the Kingdom!

Unlike the fictional Middle-Earth, where the Ring of Power was ultimately destroyed, freeing Middle-Earth of its corrupting menace, we face the corruption of power that will never disappear as long as this world lasts. We cannot, like Frodo, take the pervading human lust for Power and cast it into Mount Doom, never to fear its reemergence. The struggle between those who desire to live and let live and those who lust for power and domination will continue until the last day.

Dark tower

The films based on The Lord of the Rings, of course, added a whole new dimension to Middle-Earth, retaining much of the drama of the struggle between good and evil even while adding many controversial extra-canonical elements. But even Tolkien purists must admit that Peter Jackson and company stayed relatively true to important storyline elements, particularly the temptation of power that plagues even the best-intentioned, as in the case of Boromir.

The Hobbit was a book written for children and does not contain as many of the profound quotes and epic battles—external as well as internal. One of the main themes in this Tolkien tale, however, is the danger of greed. Jackson’s three Hobbit movies—in spite of mutilating the story plot even more than they managed to mangle The Lord of the Rings—masterfully emphasize the temptation of greed—in some ways even more profoundly than Tolkien’s The Hobbit itself.

Paul warns us in 1 Timothy that, “The love of money is a root of all sorts of evil.” This can be an easily recognizable sin in those who have made money their god, and the concept is aptly demonstrated in the form of “dragon sickness” in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.

This “dragon sickness” nearly subdues the dwarf king, Thorin Oakenshield, whose love of gold and sparkling treasure becomes such that he is hardened to the needs of the homeless people of Laketown, he reneges on his promise to share a portion of the treasure, and he refuses to join his kinsman and allies in fighting the armies of Orcs and trolls right outside his door.


At last he becomes aware that dragon sickness has been firmly taking its hold on him. He relinquishes his greed, throws off his crown, and leads the dwarfs into battle, no longer concerned about the gold of Erebor.

In the end he admits to Bilbo Baggins, the humble Hobbit content with the simple things, “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” We all know it would be. We may know people who are more or less enchanted with acquiring money. Always more money. Depending on how deeply they love money, they sacrifice their relationships, their eternity, and true joy. In the LotR, Gollum’s greed for the Ring was such that it consumed all his thoughts, and his own family drove him from home. His was a case of supreme greed—greed that literally devours a soul.

Both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings offer inspiring hope as well as gripping adventure. These tales remind us of important life principles and the simple joys. . .and second breakfasts, of course!

To read The Lord of the Rings is to know tragedy, love, courage, and hope—to experience the victory of a small and dedicated few over the minions of evil—to glimpse tyranny thrown down—to see courage and perseverance that inspires. The Lord of the Rings is as refreshing and heartening today as it was when it was written nearly seventy years ago. The battle between good and evil rages on.

“But in the end it’s only a passing thing, this shadow; even darkness must pass.”

– Sam Gamgee


The Do-Gooders in the Library

Part II: Licenses & Contrabands

The new standards for the almost-universally beloved Nationwide System of Libraries took several weeks to revise and complete.

Two months after Congressman Bookworm had the Bad Idea, things were going very smoothly for the NSL, which had become a widely publicized and popular program.

In every corner of the nation, there were the scattered, protesting Dunces who decried the new NSL under the feeble arguments of “unconstitutionality” and “federalizing our local libraries,” but these few critical voices were widely drowned out by the resounding applause that echoed from sea to shining sea.

It wasn’t only the happy House of Comrades who knew a Bad Idea when they saw one. Newspapers, media organs, politicians at every level of government, and library directors alike all praised the new program, eager to invest a part of federal funds into the next generation of Americans.

It was, as might be expected, all done in the name of benefiting The Children, an argument which had served countless politicians before that day and many afterward, as well.

Congressman Bookworm became a national hero. The small and the great alike adored his leadership in the crusade to improve libraries for The Children.

Librarians and directors loved the ability to buy more books for their libraries with the enticing federal grants, but some old-school librarians, who came very close to being labeled “Dunces,” did not appreciate the new standards for librarians.

STUNNING NEW SCHOOLS FOR LIBRARIANS OPENING ACROSS THE NATION,” read the front page headline of one of the main media organs nearly a year after the passage of HB 1148.

These new training centers for librarians were very up-to-date and sophisticated, and many librarians could not afford to go to them. That wasn’t the trouble.

The trouble began when the controversial Section C, Article XXI became due for implementation: only licensed citizens could now become librarians, and licenses could be obtained only by attending one of the impressive new NSL Schools.

The argument behind this provision was that one of the main jobs of a librarian is to answer kids’ questions, and it certainly wouldn’t do to have ignorant—or worse yet, intentionally misleading—librarians directing the children of America in misinformation.

As if this weren’t controversial enough, the following year a “purging” of all NSL member-libraries began.

Pudgy government bureaucrats, known to the House of Comrades as fellow Do-Gooders, began flooding into the towns and cities of America, swarming into libraries. Their heroic mission?

To remove all books which contained “harmful and misleading information.” (Section C, Article XXXVI)

It sounded fair enough to most ordinary folk, who approved of having only accurate and decent books within the grasp of their children.

The Do-Gooders came prepared, of course, complete with a list of contraband books that would have to be annihilated. The list was quite lengthy, and licensed librarians who saw the list were appalled to think that all those hundreds of harmful and misleading books had been sitting on the shelves for all those years.

It just goes to show,” one pretty young librarian fresh out of NSL School shrugged to her fellow novice librarian, “that times have changed. What the old generation considered safe is no longer safe in today’s advanced society. Doesn’t it make you feel proud to be an American?”

Even old classics were on the no-no list, much to the shock of many grieving but submissive grandparents, who had never guessed that the “wholesome” books of their own youth actually reeked of harmful and misleading content. But they trusted the judgment of the Do-Gooders and meekly accepted the purging without complaint.

Representative Freeman, and his constituency of backward-minded oldies, publicized the fact that helpful books such as The Law, Wealth of Nations, and Masters of Deceit were on the contraband list, while also pointing out that The Communist Manifesto and On the Origin of Species were not on the contraband list, surprisingly, considering the banning list was supposed to include books containing “harmful and misleading information.”

Congressman Bookworm and his fellow Do-Gooders—and The Dunces—came and went, and the new generation was raised having limited access to wholesome, educational books, instead unknowingly facing propaganda and misinformation when they visited the library. The licensed librarians were prepared to answer kids’ questions—with a wealth of big-government, socialist answers, of course.

In the generations to come, the indomitable Do-Gooders lauded the Bad Idea that Congressman Bookworm had thought of so many years ago, which had allowed them to control the reading materials of the nation’s children, all in the deceitful guise of helping The Children.

Like so many Do-Gooder Bad Ideas, the unsuspecting citizenry swallowed the bait without realizing the consequences of allowing the federal government to reach ever deeper into their daily lives.

And like so many other Bad Ideas, the scattered, screaming Dunces had no coordinated effort to awaken the people to the imminent danger, and were unable to stop it.

Bad Ideas will always be forced on us by the Do-Gooders until we are coordinated in our resistance as they are in their plans to control the thinking of people. Only by using effectual, organized means will we be able to restore the Republic and stop Bad Ideas from becoming law.

Don’t be a lone-ranger! Learn more about getting involved in coordinated, effective action at

The Do-Gooders in the Library

Part I: The Bad Idea & the Dunce

Note: All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead.

One Saturday a noted politician had one of those Bad Ideas which frequently plague the Washington swamp-dwelling establishment.

Acting on impulse as he and his comrades generally did (considering their minds to be more efficiently reliable than the faded paper document securely guarded as decorational ‘history’ in the National Archives), Congressman Bookworm the very next day drew up for congressional approval the bill that would implement his newest idea.

It seemed to him so strikingly beneficial he could not, in all his learned mind, think why it hadn’t been done before his time.

But no matter, it will be done now—and the credit will be mine when the people begin to reap the benefits!” he told himself proudly, beaming over his 2,196 page document as the clock struck 11:30pm. His back ached from sitting before his computer all day. He sipped his coffee and stretched his arms but the soreness didn’t want to leave.

It was the weekend, after all, and he was supposed to be taking a break from his Congressional Philanthropic Mission; but being the big-hearted Do-Gooder he was, Congressman Bookworm rarely took a break, often laboring late into the evenings. Weekends were no respite either; he could not even tear himself from his philanthropic projects to go to church on Sunday. He was a regular Washington Do-Gooder who couldn’t approve of wasting time in reading the Good Book when one could be out-and-about doing what it commanded.

He frequently had to remind over-zealous family members (who frowned upon his absence on Sundays) of the the words of James, very gently, of course.

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

His family always sighed when he repeated this, and acknowledged that he was right.

Ah,” they said, “if only we could be in such a glorious position to carry on the caring for the Poor as our Dave!”

Yes, Congressman Bookworm was a very selfless man, and had been such longer than he could remember. He could still vaguely recall the incident when he was four years old and he found his younger cousin playing with two wooden trucks, while his little sister had no trucks to play with at all.

Young Davie benevolently took the second truck from his cousin and handed it to his sister.

Cousin Johnny, unable to understand the wisdom and magnanimity of his older cousin’s actions, opened his mouth and began to wail, bringing the mothers of both boys running.

Davie piously told the entire story.

Scooping their little boys up in their arms, they looked at each other and sighed in motherly delight.

Isn’t Davie so generous?” asked the beaming mother of the future politician, petting her son’s brown curls.

Delightfully so,” cooed Davie’s aunt. “Why, he will grow up to make a wonderful congressman, perhaps even president!”

Little Davie had never forgotten either his aunt’s prophetic words or his disposition to be generous with the property of others. He had, in fact, every distinguishable mark of a politician, which may well have been the reason he had so easily found a job on Capitol Hill that suited him so well.

Now grown-up “Davie” continued to fulfill his great life mission, even now as he surveyed his draft of HB 1148 and smiled to himself. What complexity! What efficiency! What generosity! What. . .bureaucracy! And what could delight his fellow Comrades more than each of these virtuous objects?

Flipping off the light-switch, the sleepy, satisfied Congressman crawled into his luxurious king bed. This hotel was certainly deserving of his honorable presence! Every luxury a hotel could (and could not) offer was at his disposal at this fine establishment. Only a renowned philanthropist deserves to stay in a place like this, he often thought to himself, though he never told that to anyone else, for fear they should take him as snobbish and hypocritical—two despicable things the benevolent Congressman would never indulge in.

* * * * *

My dear comrades and Mr. Speaker!” began Congressman Bookworm the following morning, as copies of his prized HB 1148 were handed out to each Congressman and Congresswoman. His voice revealed feverish excitement. The other representatives, catching the excitement in his voice, suspected a new Program or Cause and smiled at each other as they waited for the enthusiastic thirty-two year old Congressman to share his discovery.

I have here a bill entitled ‘The Library Incentive Books & Rewards Act Regarding Youth’. This is The LIBRARY Act!”

Curious looks ran around the room and the Congressmen and Congresswomen sat up and began to look really awake and interested. Libraries? They hadn’t thought of touching local libraries yet. Why hadn’t they thought of that? What was the potential! Congressman Bookworm gave them no time to wonder.

It outlines,” he went on eagerly, “a plan for improving the nation’s libraries! Here is a Cause we all can unite around. For the sake of the Children, of course, we intend to improve their reading centers. This bill allows us to do this in three simple steps.”

More nods and smiles from the Congressmen and Congresswomen.

Section A of the bill authorizes the United States Secretary of Education to expand the Department of Education to include the new Nationwide Library Program. This means libraries can join the Nationwide System of Libraries and get access to books from other libraries all over the country. Think about how our kids will have so much more information at their fingertips!”

This bill was evidently gaining popularity at an unprecedented speed. Enthusiastic, glowing smiles came from many members on both sides of the aisle.

They did not think back to their own childhood days, in small towns with small libraries, and remember how libraries already loaned books to each other without federal assistance.

Glowing at the outstanding approval, Congressman Bookworm smiled his huge politician grin and was about to go on when he suddenly noticed Congressman Freeman—The Dunce, as his comrades called him when frustrated with his non-cooperation—standing in his place, already waiting his turn to speak.

Kindly Congressman Bookworm’s face darkened, his eyes narrowed, and his jaw thrust forward, dreading the Lecture they would undoubtedly be subjected to after his own spectacular speech had come to an end. It was inevitable. Inevitable and annoying.

Nevertheless, he still had his own oration to complete, and he plunged in again, glancing at the other 433 friendly, smiling faces for the encouragement he so needed to make him warm inside and excited about Doing Good once more.

Section B authorizes the Department of Education to set aside funding to distribute to all libraries who join the Nationwide System of Libraries. The libraries will be rewarded for participation and membership in the NSL with grants for buying more books, remodeling old downtown libraries, and hiring librarians who can knowledgeably answer kids’ questions.” There was a curious emphasis on that last thought.

Congressman Bookworm looked around the room—a vast sea of smiling Do-Gooder faces, male and female, plump and happy to help the Children. They did not think that libraries and librarians alike were already doing fine, as they had been since before prehistoric times (meaning, before they were born into this world).

The Dunce’s habitual frown deepened to a scowl and he crossed his arms. He still stood tall in his place, waiting for his chance to speak.

What a sour old grump!” kindly Congressman Bookworm thought as he took a sip of purified water from the recyclable water bottle that was never missing from his desk, at the same time glaring at the aged Congressman over his bottle with hostile eyes. Everyone knew whom he was glaring at, but being as polite and civilized as they were, they remained transfixed on the skilled and awe-inspiring orator. Freeman was an irremovable irritant, since his stubborn constituents seemed to somehow appreciate his relentless raining on Washington’s parades. The esteemed House of Representatives widely viewed Congressman Freeman as The Dunce, and his obstinate constituents as ignorant old bogeys.

And Section C,” Congressman Bookworm grandiosely concluded, his eyes darting from one face to the next of his comrades, “sets the standards of the Nationwide System of Libraries. My friends, here is where the plan really gets exciting. Through this provision we will powerfully innovate the nation’s libraries!

This section is open for revision, as we here at the Congress of the United States need to put our heads together—without a doubt the brightest and bestest of heads in the nation—and figure out what will really make our libraries shine brighter than the libraries of the rest of the world.

We’ll find what will give our children the best access to books the world has ever seen. We’ll find what will make librarians, local officials, parents, and most of all The Children, happy. We’ll find what will bring communities closer together. That is the purpose of HB 1148, and I respectfully ask for each one of my comrades’ support. Thank you very much, my dear comrades and Mr. Speaker.”

A resounding applause following the masterful oration (at least it was masterful to the “brightest and bestest of heads in the nation”) propelled Congressman Bookworm into a high state of exultation. He turned and bowed all around and sat down in his seat, happily forgetting the scowling Dunce seated several rows behind and across the aisle.

It was not many moments before he was again reminded of the unwelcome presence of Congressman Freeman.

The short Representative, whose stern, wrinkled face rarely smiled when fulfilling his unpleasant duty in Washington Swamp, immediately prepared to reply to the outrageously benevolent proposal. The apple-cheeked Speaker of the House reluctantly motioned for him to speak.

The other Comrades were still transfixed with the brilliant bill, thumbing through the pages, making notes, murmuring approval to one another, and nodding favorably. They always recognized a Bad Idea when they saw one.

Their reverie was shattered by the powerful booming voice of the imposing Congressman.

Mr. Speaker and fellow Representatives,” Freeman began, as multiple Comrades winced at the mention of the word “representative,” and refused to look at the speaker, who cut a much more impressive figure in the Congress—in spite of his lack of height—than many other members of Congress, male and female alike.

COMRADES,” roared a rather youngish Congressman next to Bookworm. “Not representatives.”

Representative Freeman paid no attention to the heckling and went straight on. Everyone was forced to listen to Freeman, in spite of their scornful disdain of his old-fashioned foolishness. Freeman’s voice was not an easy one to ignore.

You already know what I’m going to say, since I’m seemingly the ignored unofficial conscience of the House of Representatives—the lone ranger and the last hold-out who stands for individual liberty and personal responsibility.”

Dunce!” hissed a young blond Congresswoman, who hated the fact that her place was directly below Freeman’s. Other indistinguishable calls and murmurs came from various annoyed comrades and echoed in the hall, but the loving, tolerant Speaker made no move to suppress the heckling.

Representative Freeman went on. He had only just launched into his initial remarks.

It is my painful duty,” he thundered, “to once again remind the deaf members of the House that we have no authority to even consider HB 1148. Your abominable disregard for the US Constitution—which grants Congress no power over the nation’s libraries—does not change the law of the land. If we pass this bill, we are law-breakers and criminals!”

There was silence from the Congress, though the members stirred uncomfortably. They had told him a thousand times before, “Can’t you see? The Constitution is outdated. It’s also bigoted, racist, old-fashioned, broken, and extremely limits the power of Doing Good. It’s in the archives if you would like to build a shrine. As for us? We are the new generation, and we are sophisticated. We are going to Do Good despite some old paper written centuries ago. We make They the People happy, and that’s good enough.”

Their gentle reprimands had never gotten through that thick-headed old man, and he always, without fail, plunged into a lecture on “Constitutional Powers” and the Tenth Amendment or something like that whenever a bill he didn’t approve of came up for discussion—as he was doing now.

They had given up on him some time ago. He was an unrepentant Anti-Do-Gooder, and no one in the House of Comrades could change that. They tolerantly let him blow his steam every time.

They listened with sighs and blank eyes. He was so poorly educated that the enlightened members of Congress oftentimes could not even fathom his bewildering statements.

Despite his impressive booming voice, he often rambled on—much to the annoyance of his colleagues—with no apparent meaning. He did so now.

Section A of the representative’s bill expands the Department of Education—an unconstitutional agency from the start. Why should we expand an already illegal agency?”

He glared fiercely at his weary colleagues and went on. His favorite method was to tear bills apart one section at a time, just as their proponents tended to exalt them one section at a time.

Section B!” Representative Freeman thundered, literally rolling up his sleeves. “This Nationwide System of Libraries would be a terr-ible program!”

There were audible groans on every hand, but The Dunce was prepared to back his absurd claim, and did not pause.

The NSL would strip local control of libraries from the communities they serve, and place it in the hands of bureaucrats in the Education Department! Why in the world are our present community libraries not good enough? They already share books with other libraries, remodel as needed, and have knowledgeable librarians who can answer kids’ questions.”

Heresy!!” screamed the young lady below the Dunce, her fluffy blond curls flinging out in righteous indignation.

The last section is the most intolerable of all!” boomed Representative Freeman, not in the least daunted by the misbehavior of the screaming youngster below him.

Section C calls for federal micro-management in local affairs! This is unconscionable, Mr. Speaker and fellow Representatives—unconscionable! You speak of the good of The Children, and I too favor the plan that best works for America’s youth. Which is why I cannot but oppose this heinous proposal! Look at problems you have supposedly “solved” in recent years—education, health care, technology, drugs, law-enforcement, food, housing, manufacturing, labor unions, and everything else you could possibly think of—and now libraries?! You would now ruin the nation’s libraries?!”

The Comrades sat in stunned silence. That their wonderful Do-Good programs were a failure was inconceivable. Utterly absurd. Absolutely ridiculous. Dangerously treasonous.

You propose, sir,” Freeman addressed Congressman Bookworm directly now, his dark eyes flashing, “to direct a bunch of clueless disaster-makers called ‘comrades’ and ‘bureaucrats’ in setting so called ‘standards’ for the entire nation’s libraries. Explain, please, what these standards may be. I expect they’ll have the unmistakable stamp of the Swamp all over them. Which means our libraries will fail—fail even as they are beautifully remodeled and have more books than ever before. Our libraries will begin to fail our children—fast. We must stop this nonsense and return to proper obedience of the US Constitution!”

The valiant effort of the lone-ranger did not accomplish much.

Sighing with relief that the lecture had concluded and they could return to the legitimate business at hand, the comrades looked at the bill and nodded prudently. Yes, this was the recipe for success that the libraries so desperately needed!

Despite the efforts of The Dunce, HB 1148 passed the House of Representatives later that week, and went before the Senate, who passed it the week after that with equal enthusiasm. Such an exciting bill had not been seen for some weeks! It passed the President’s desk with a hearty signature of approval.

End of Part I: The Bad Idea & the Dunce

Here’s Part II: Licenses & Contrabands

Have you heard of the weary constituent who wrote to his congressman? He wrote, “Please do not improve my lot in life any further as I simply can’t afford it.”

Short & Many

A collection of profound/humorous quotes, all of which were said before 1975.


“To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”

~George Washington

“It is time to start worrying about the next generation instead of the next election.”

~Congressman Jack F. Kemp

“If being pro-God and pro-Country is controversial and rightist, there is no one standing to the right of me.”

~Roy Rogers

“You’ll never find a Socialist thirsting for truth. Because when he starts thirsting for truth, he stops being a Socialist.”

~Bill Paulson

“As for me, I may die in a dictatorship, but I won’t live in one.”

~Thomas J. Anderson

“If we will not be governed by God, then we will be ruled by tyrants.”

~William Penn

“While claiming it is devoted to peace, the United Nations, contrary to its character, is a champion international trouble-maker!”

~C. C. Moseley

“Communism is the product of the apathy of the many and the audacity of a few.”

~Jose Chiriboga

“The men who today snatch the worst criminals from justice will murder the most innocent persons tomorrow.”

~Edmund Burke

“The government turns every contingency into an excuse for enhancing power in itself.”

~John Adams

“The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.”

~William Hazlitt

“Those who put peace ahead of Freedom have made their final choice; for their conquerors will give them neither peace nor freedom, not even freedom of choice.”

~J. Kesner Kahn

“From the way things are going in this country, it won’t be long until our universities begin offering courses in picketing!”

~John Chadwick

“The difficulty today is not ‘police brutality’—but brutality to the police.”

~E. Merril Root

“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the American Government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”

~Henry Ford

“The Great Society thinks you can’t have a Government for the people unless you have a Government buy the people.”

~John McLeod

“Diets are for those who are thick and tired of it.”

~Paul Crume

“Public opinion is what people think that other people think.”

~Alfred Austin

“Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.”

~Elbert Hubbard

“We hear they’ve brought out a new drink called Foreignade. It’s refreshment that never pauses.”

~Edgar W. Hiestand

“The automobile did away with the horse. Now it is doing away with people.”

~O. G. Zimmerman

“Some people are like wheelbarrows – useful only when pushed, and too easily upset.”

~San Jose Mercury

“Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving in words evidence of the fact.”

~George Eliot

“Gentlemen may cry peace, peace – but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the North will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! – I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”

~Patrick Henry

Washington Monument

Where is Virginia?

Virginia Graphic

He looked like a brainwashed college kid. He had the beard, the blank gaze, the mouth hanging half-open.

My family was vacationing in the Florida Everglades and we’d stopped by the Whole Foods Market to pick up some groceries. After unloading the contents of our cart onto the conveyor belt, we watched the college kid scan our groceries as we engaged in small talk. It was revealed that we were from out of town.

“Where are you from?” he asked.

“Virginia,” my mom answered.

He paused thoughtfully and glanced up at us, pondering a moment. “I’m new here; just moved here from New Jersey for college,” he said, puzzled. “Hmm, Virginia—is that north of here?”

My mom nodded. I wondered if he knew he was living in the southern-most state in the Union. I also wondered how he had gained admittance to college.

As I mused over the comical situation at the store, I had to remind myself what a terrible job the System has done at “educating” our young people. Here this young man was, in college, and he made a guess (educated guess, to be sure, but a guess nonetheless) that Virginia was north of Florida!

The Establishment educrats have spent the last century transforming our schools from places of learning to institutions of propaganda. I couldn’t help but wonder if our checker could quite knowledgeably explain what a great job then-president Obama was doing—making the streets safer through stricter gun-control, lovingly welcoming refugees en masse, ensuring everyone’s right to health care, ranting against those horribly racist police departments, firmly taking action to save the world from anthropogenic global warming, standing up for same-sex “marriage” and women’s right to “choose”, etc., etc. We know government schools brainwashed American students to view Barack Obama as a hero during his magnificent reign.1 And not only that he was a hero, but also that socialism is the panacea for our sick, wretched country.

While they aren’t at the moment teaching school children to worship our president, the educrats have by no means backed off on teaching the “glories” of socialism, atheism, and globalism.

“Glories” indeed. Doesn’t it make you feel inspired to know you’re a descendant of hairy brutes called apes? And isn’t it comforting to learn about how America is someday going to be an insignificant member-state in a New World Order?

At least, that is what they would like us and our children to believe. And the controversial Common Core Standards are a major step in the direction of global education.2 Children are being brainwashed by the millions from kindergarten through college. Future generations of America are being steeped in Establishment propaganda from before the time they can even logically combat the fallacies of evolution and socialism.

Please consider homeschooling your children or placing them in an excellent private school like FreedomProject Academy, an on line Judeo-Christian school completely free of Common Core.Rescue your children from the System before the Establishment has stolen your children’s hearts—possibly for life.

From kindergarten through college, students are ruthlessly transformed into mindless servants of the State. They must be rescued if we (and they) are to enjoy a better America than we ourselves inherited.


1 School Children Singing Praise to Obama ISchool Children Singing Praise to Obama II

2 The Dangers of Common Core

3 FreedomProject Academy