The Collectivist’s Prayer

Our government who is in Washington, D.C.,
Hallowed be your name (we beseech you to hear our humble voices).

Your kingdom come (we’ve forgotten we’re a republic under God).

Your laws be obeyed (all 93,376,945 of them)
In our own home towns (since Swamp-Dwellers are exempt and somebody’s got to obey all those laws).

Give us this day our daily bread (we’re too lazy to work for it ourselves).

And take from them haves and give to us have-nots (your incessant “equality” propaganda has begun to wear off)
And do not lead us into prudence, wisdom, or responsibility, but deliver us from ourselves (oh all-wise government).

For yours is the rule and the power and the sovereign authority forever (until you cede it to the United Nations).
Amen (and Awomen).


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