Monthly Archives: December 2016

Don’t Let the Founders’ Gift Be Stolen Without a Fight!

Two centuries ago fifty-six men pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors to secure the freedom from tyranny we Americans have been able to enjoy since the original thirteen colonies declared independence from Great Britain.

These fifty six men suffered much after signing the Declaration of Independence. Both they and their families suffered throughout the eight-year long American Revolution. Some were taken prisoner, some became penniless through aiding the cause, some of their properties were burned and destroyed, and some perished without seeing their dreams of American independence come true. They sacrificed all they had, and they suffered tremendously—for you!

The signers were not the only ones who sacrificed themselves for the freedom and happiness of posterity. The Sons of Liberty, the statesmen, the writers, the lawyers, the generals, the soldiers, the housewives, the preachers, the teachers, the financiers . . . the patriots! Patriots like Samuel Adams, John Hancock, George Washington, Christopher Gadsden, Molly Pitcher, Patrick Henry, Light Horse Harry Lee . . . yes, these courageous patriots and thousands of others knew that they were working to secure for their posterity something new in the history of mankind: the land of the free and the home of the brave. And they price they paid for the freedom of this country was costly.

The New World, because of the Founders’ effort and wisdom, became a light to the Old World. Here there was no king, no dictator, no ruling oligarchy, but a place where the government, rather than the people, were restricted through the U.S. Constitution.

Because of their sacrifice, today we Americans are able to keep the fruits of our labor, go places, purchase things, enjoy luxuries, and live our lives free from tyrannical oversight and regulation . . . right?

Not quite.

What happened to the free, just, and prosperous America the Founding Fathers worked so hard to form?

The truth is, this America is being intentionally, deliberately stolen. What we see around us today is a far cry from the kind of country our Founders envisioned. If they could come back from the grave and view what we’ve done with our heritage, they would be baffled. Why would anyone meekly turn over their freedom for the grovelling slavery being imposed today?

The sight they would see would not be pretty. Neither should it be to those of us who cherish our God-given rights. Imagine James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington taking a peek at the America we have today. The Constitution is ignored and considered old-fashioned; there are demands that it be rewritten; presidents act like kings and grossly misuse executive orders; government oversight and regulations are horrendous; the alphabet soup agencies in Washington D.C. are a vast bureaucratic nightmare; unjust welfare programs reward those who refuse to work; we fund the globalist “dictators’ club,” a.k.a. the United Nations; we’re trillions of dollars in debt with no end to this reckless borrowing in sight; our armed forces and tax dollars are sent to bail out foreign despotic regimes; and the hard-working middle class are burdened with the fantastic bill for all of the above.

Most Americans would agree that something is wrong with America today, even if they don’t know the correct cause. To discover the correct cause, we have to return to the earlier question: Why would anyone meekly turn over their freedom for the grovelling slavery being imposed today?

It didn’t happen in one generation; and it didn’t happen by accident. It was intentionally—though gradually—implemented over the past century by conspiratorial forces with such familiar (and unfamiliar) names as the Rockefellers, Edward Mandell House, Harry Hopkins, Felix Frankfurter, Henry Kissinger, Robert S. McNamara, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, William F. Buckley Jr., and many, many others. And most of it was done behind the scenes, to conceal the real plot, while deceiving the American people into believing ever-bigger government is the solution to every problem.

These conspiratorial forces are sometimes referred to as Insiders. Their unabashed end goal is global tyranny.

Sound attractive?

These Insiders are the ones who have been deceiving America for the past century, and in this way they have been achieving the various steps to their ultimate aim. They have largely, to the best of their ability, kept the populace blissfully ignorant; or, when they are in danger of being exposed by the truth, they simply tell lies about patriotic opposition, and steadfastly deny that there is a Conspiracy, though the evidence speaks otherwise.

Look around at America today and see how well their plans are working out! If people don’t wake up soon, and stop tuning into the lying media, who have an amazing way of doing the every bidding of the Establishment—even the so called “conservative” channels, who also deny that there is a Conspiracy—and discover the truth of the frightening situation in America, conditions will continue to worsen. If you want daily news you can trust, check out This reliable news-source reports on the events and policies that really matter—from a strictly Constitutionalist, traditional-American standpoint. Never hesitating to call things for what they are, their investigative journalists dig deeper than Establishment media ever bothers to look into, reporting things rarely mentioned but always verifiable. They’ve been accurately reporting the truth for thirty years now.

With the vision of a free America slipping away—or rather, being stolen—what must we as Americans do to restore the Republic?

The road ahead is long and there is no silver bullet to “fix” our nation’s many problems.

But while it may not be easy, the solution, as is so often the case, is far simpler than one might imagine when viewing the disheartening state of our once-great nation.

The solution can, in fact, be summed up in two words: the Constitution!

It really is that simple. That this is the solution is evidenced by the first hundred years of American history where, when the Constitution—which restricts the federal government rather than the states and the people—was more regularly followed, America became the land of the free and the prosperous, and the undeniable envy of the world.

It’s our responsibility not to let sinister forces steal our country without a fight. Not only for the sake of our own liberties, but also because this involves the futures of posterity! Will they enjoy a free America? Or will they live in the joyless misery of a totalitarian world regime because their ancestors were too apathetic to care what was happening to America? Their future depends on what we do—today!

To learn more about restoring the Republic, visit The John Birch Society has been standing for freedom, family, and traditional-American values through a proven effective action program for fifty-eight years. Get involved today and put forth your sacrifice for the liberties and the future of your children and grandchildren. In today’s fight for American liberties, we don’t have to join the Continental army and sacrifice our very lives to protect ourselves, our homes, and our rights like the patriots of 1776 willingly did. Because of the way they wisely designed the American system of government, we can continue living our normal lives, with the addition of simply participating in an effective education-action program. Informing ourselves and others is how we take back the Republic—one citizen at a time. The fifty-six signers sacrificed their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors. What will you give to preserve the American way?
